Tuesday, June 30, 2015

WLP Celebrates Five Years of Advocacy and Excellence

Despite an uphill battle against budget cuts, political challenges and sexist/racist public policies, WLP is still standing.  Hats off to the amazing activists, scholars and visionary leaders (the majority of whom are the first in their families to go to college) who have made WLP a strong voice for young feminist of color leadership.  The video features WLP alum from Syracuse University, CSUDH, CSULB, UCLA, El Camino College, CSUN and Southwest College, as well the classes of 2016 and 2017.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Busting the School-to-Prison Pipeline Forum

The Women's Leadership Project and Young Male Scholars' Program present:


FACT: The school-to-prison pipeline disproportionately locks up African American and Latino youth, leaving many with criminal records and no possibility of “re-entry” to employment, housing or higher education
FACT: Foster care and homeless youth of color have some of the lowest rates of college transfer and graduation amongst college youth populations
FACT: Black girls are disciplined in greater numbers than Asian, Latino and White boys.  Black girls are suspended/expelled six times more than white girls; while black boys are supended/expelled three times more than white boys.
FACT: LGBTQ youth of color have disproportionately high suspension/expulsion and push-out rates in U.S. public schools